Month: May 2016

May 2016: Update

Hey there, great ones!

Once again, life has gotten in the way and it’s been WAAY too long since I have taken the time to sit down and work on any new posts for you guys. Since taking a bit of an unannounced hiatus, I have finished up my first year of university and moved back home with my parents. I am currently in the process of looking for a new job, but hopefully with summer here I can set aside some time every week to brainstorm and get creative again. It’s been a hard couple of months for me mentally and emotionally, but I intend to stay positive and turn my life right side up again. Thanks for all of your support, readers; the humans behind these text posts really appreciate you for still sticking around.

You’ll definitely begin to start seeing more activity on Freckhled and hopefully see some more expansion as well. As always, please let me know if you have any post suggestions, comments, questions, concerns, what ever! I love hearing feedback from my readers! Also, if you are interested in becoming a contributor for Freckhled, please contact me and shoot me an email with an example of your past work! I’m sending so much love out to the universe, tonight. Thank you so much, readers. It’s good to be back.

With love always,

Steph x