
May 2016: Update

Hey there, great ones!

Once again, life has gotten in the way and it’s been WAAY too long since I have taken the time to sit down and work on any new posts for you guys. Since taking a bit of an unannounced hiatus, I have finished up my first year of university and moved back home with my parents. I am currently in the process of looking for a new job, but hopefully with summer here I can set aside some time every week to brainstorm and get creative again. It’s been a hard couple of months for me mentally and emotionally, but I intend to stay positive and turn my life right side up again. Thanks for all of your support, readers; the humans behind these text posts really appreciate you for still sticking around.

You’ll definitely begin to start seeing more activity on Freckhled and hopefully see some more expansion as well. As always, please let me know if you have any post suggestions, comments, questions, concerns, what ever! I love hearing feedback from my readers! Also, if you are interested in becoming a contributor for Freckhled, please contact me and shoot me an email with an example of your past work! I’m sending so much love out to the universe, tonight. Thank you so much, readers. It’s good to be back.

With love always,

Steph x


Saying Yes (Plus A New Playlist!!)

Hey folks!! I’m really sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, my life has been super busy with college work and stuff, but I figured I’d put up a playlist with some great songs that I’ve been listening to recently for you lovely people to check out.

At the beginning of this year I decided I’d set myself a few informal new year’s resolutions for the first time in my life. Most of them were pretty standard things like – eat healthier, don’t leave deadlines to the last minute and blog more frequently. Needless to say it’s now March and I have pretty much failed all of them. But that doesn’t matter because there’s still one pretty big resolution I’m trying to stick to, and that’s SAY YES MORE OFTEN. I know this probably sounds pretty straightforward (“it’s only 3 letters – how hard can it be?”), but for a massive over-thinker like me this was a pretty big deal 🙂 However, I have to admit doing this has been one of the best decisions I have made this year! In the space of a few months I have made so many great memories and met so many likeminded and positive people. I even managed to get tickets for me and a friend to see Radiohead later in May which should be really awesome and is something that I would’ve never done before. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’d be surprised at just how many amazing opportunities will open up by simply saying yes every once in a while.

All of the songs on this playlist have either been recommended to me by friends or are new bands which I have discovered so far this year. These vary from acoustic stuff to indie-style remixes (as well as a really great remix from Radiohead’s last LP in preparation for the new album!!). There should be something for everyone and I really hope you like it! If you have any songs, bands or pretty much anything you’d like me to check out let me know in the comments or on my Tumblr (I love hearing from you guys!).

I hope you have an absolutely incredible week  🙂

Much Love

Sam xx

9 Things They Don’t Tell You About College

After being more than halfway done with my first year at university, I have learned a lot of things (both good and bad) that I don’t think I could have learned from any other experience. Here’s a list of the things they don’t tell you about college.

  1. Distance is hard. Even though I made a post about Long-Distance Friendships a little while ago, I’ve learned that no matter how hard you try to speak to someone once a day, let alone once a week, people get busy. It’s possible that this lack of communication can put a strain on your relationships, as it has in my life, but in other cases distance doesn’t change a thing. All I can say is try to set aside a few minutes every few days to shoot your friends a gratitude text, or even a phone call if you get the chance. Growing apart from your friends who are your family is devastating, but just remember that these things happen for a reason. Make peace with the situation.
  2. Odds are, you’re really not going to run out of money for food. No matter how much you worry about your budget, whether you have food money set aside on your Student I.D. or if you pay for food by yourself, you probably won’t run out of money. I’ve spent the past two semesters stressing and trying to do math on how much I should spend on food each day, and I always have change to spare. On a more serious note, if you run into the situation where you choose to spend your last $1.50 on a load of laundry instead of a bowl of microwavable ramen, there are many things you can do in order to get out of the situation. I recommend doing research for local food banks (1,2), getting a part-time job at a restaurant (odds are they’ll give you discounted or even free food), and asking around at fast food places if they have any food they need to get rid of. I know Jimmy Johns sells the loaves of bread that they don’t use for .50 cents. Many places throw away a lot of food daily simply because it’s passed the “expiration” date. I assure you, none of this food is expired, but they simply need to date the food in order to keep their product fresh.
  3. It’s okay to take some time for yourself. As someone who has two jobs, goes to school full-time, and has a boyfriend they see everyday, it’s easy to forget to set aside some alone time in order to gather your thoughts and reflect on your life. I can’t reiterate enough that although you may be young and active, you still need to rest. This past month I over-extended myself so much that I got sick for about 5 weeks. If I had taken a few days off my crazy schedule to sleep, I probably would have gotten better in a few days. I didn’t, and ended up getting worse and prolonging the sickness. Please, please take some time out of your day to do something for yourself. Whether it’s watching Netflix, reading a book, meditating, writing a blog post (lol), or even taking a nap, DO IT. You will feel so much better, I promise.
  4. No matter how selfish it seems, it’s okay to cut out negative people from your life. This has been a concept that I have always been very torn over. After having many friendships with people who are constantly negative, it’s very easy to be effected by that bad energy. I have always been easily influenced by my surrounding environment, and as an Empath, it’s common for me to feel what everyone around me is feeling. If you notice that you are being negatively influenced by other people’s attitudes, say something. Communication is key is every situation and confrontation, and if you very cautiously bring up how you feel to your friend, they could possibly change their mindset. Remember, don’t cut anyone off without any reasons, and always be mindful of other people’s feelings. If you see that your friend’s negativity hasn’t changed, it’s more than okay to eliminate that damaging energy from your life.
  5. You get lonely. Even though I go to a school that has over 15,000 students, it’s common to get lonely sometimes. The first month of school was brutal, but I found a lot of comfort in my roommates and classmates. A few tips I can give you is to just set aside any shyness or insecurities you may have, and try to make new friends. Odds are, everyone is just as lonely as you are. Talking to the person next to you in line when you’re waiting for that extra large vanilla latte makes a huge difference, trust me.
  6. It’s easy to forget to call your mom. Sometimes life gets really busy, and it’s understandable, but remembering to give your mom or dad a call when you have a minute is super appreciated. They miss you a lot, and hearing from you will probably brighten their day. They did make you, after all.
  7. Eating healthy is a lot more manageable than you think. Although its super easy to be tempted to eat a bags of chips instead of that cup of mixed fruit, always choose the healthier choice. Not only will you feel more energetic as the day goes by, but your body will be grateful for the healthy choice. It’s a lot easier than you think to modify meals at restaurants to be healthier than your average meal! For example, my university has a Panda Express (for those of you who aren’t familiar with Panda, it’s a fast food Chinese restaurant), and I always get a bowl with steamed white rice, steamed mixed veggies, and teriyaki chicken without the sauce! Opting for the healthier options is life-changing, believe me!
  8. You will have problems with your roommate. This is almost impossible to avoid, and it’s your choice whether or not to confront roommates about things that are bothering you. I suggest that if you have any problems with your roommates-even things as simple as them using your belongings without your permission (which is NOT okay)- make sure to say something. Once again, communication is key. Bring up the problem in a neutral way, not jumping to accusations. After something is said, it probably won’t happen again. I am super lucky to say my 2 roommates and I have never fought, and although I am very close to one roommate, we sometimes bump heads with our other roommate.
  9. You’re on your own, and that’s okay. As someone who lives on campus which is located about a half hour from my mother’s home, I thought I would still be going home all the time to eat homemade dinners and do laundry. Truth is, after getting over the initial month or two of homesickness, I don’t visit home very often. I feel terrible about it, but it’s easy to get super busy and not have the time. Embrace the independence, it’s truly a chance for you to explore yourself away from the people you’ve spent your entire life with.

Over the past year, I have learned a lot about how I live without my cats and own room, and I think the experience has been great. I realized that although there were many things I wasn’t prepared to handle, like going to the doctors by myself, it’s all easy to figure out. I’ve learned to love my own company, and I hope that all of my readers feel the same about themselves. Spending some time by yourself is great, and I think college really gave me the opportunity to become a more independent person. Keep an eye out for my next post about taking risks. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all enjoyed. Feel free to comment about any of the things you learned in college! Best of luck. 

-Steph xx


Mix It Up This Valentine’s Day!!

Valentine’s day is slowly drawing near, a time where we tell the people we love just how much they mean to us (As if, somehow, you’re not supposed to do that all year round). Every couple wants the special day to be perfect; chocolates and a fancy meal are usually a safe bet. But why not mix things up a little bit this year. Here are a few of my picks that are sure to make your valentine’s day something to be remembered:

Gifts: Subscription Boxes

When it comes to a cute valentine’s day gift, subscription boxes really are the gift that keeps giving (If you get what I’m saying 🙂 ). As such I’ve done some trawling through the internet and found some really interesting subscription boxes that’ll deliver something special to your door every month. – For the retro lover in your life, Vinyl Me Please is one of the most interesting subscription boxes I’ve come across. Each month they personally pick out and send you a limited edition record – which is pretty awesome! Normally I’m quite picky with my music and wouldn’t really trust someone who I didn’t know picking music for me. However, if you look at the vinyl’s that have previously been on offer it’s safe to say the people have great taste. You can either sign up for a regular delivery or arrange a gift subscription which enables the person to have a few random Vinyls, as well as select a Vinyl from their pretty expansive collection. If you love music, then you should totally look into this! – This subscription box is a real must have for foodies of all shapes and sizes and offers you and your loved one a chance to explore the various foods and cultures from around the world. Every 2 months they send you a box containing various ingredients and goodies from a particular country for you to try in the comfort of your own home. This is great, as they are often foods that very rare or obscure and quite hard to find on their own. It also comes with a fun little booklet telling you more about each country and the culture, with facts, information about popular songs and films to check out. – For the people who have more of a sweet tooth, The Cravory is well worth looking into. Every month, depending on which subscription you pick, they send you a variety of delicious cookies to your door for you and your partner to chow down on. These would be absolutely perfect for when you both just want to chill together and can’t be bothered to cook anything. They’ve got a really cool selection of flavours so I’m sure there’s something for everyone.

One of the staples of valentine’s day is the inevitable romantic movie night. So I figured I’d throw in a few more unconventional suggestions that should (hopefully) be a nice change to your standard Rom Com with the huge celebrity cast for you lot to watch.


Simply summing up what makes Spike Jones’ “Her” so utterly incredible is rather difficult, it has great cinematography, the script is genius, and the performances are fantastic. But, that isn’t why I love it, it just makes me feel so emotionally attached. Joaquin Phoenix plays a shy, reserved man who falls in love with his Siri-like operating system (played by Scarlet Johansson) and through their love begins to come out his shell. Now, a man falling in love with his phone may sound a bit weird, however it really works! Their relationship just seems so genuine and authentic as if we are watching a long distance relationship from one perspective.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Not only is this film probably in my top 15 favourite films ever made, it’s also a perfect date night film if you and your significant other are slightly nerdy or pop-culture obsessed. Based on the awesome books by Brian O’Malley, Michael Cera (who’s just so loveable) plays Scott Pilgrim a bassist in a band who falls in love with a girl called Ramona flowers. However, all is not as it seems and Scott has to fight his way through Ramona’s “7 evil exes” in order to win her affection. Packed full of hilarious gags and obscure references; if you haven’t seen this film yet you totally should!


Juno is one of those incredibly rare feel good films that never gets old and pretty much invented the Indie-comedy genre. Ellen Page plays Juno, a smart and sarcastic teenager, who all of a sudden finds herself pregnant. Following the reveal, she faces a lot of trials and tribulations as she decides whether to put the baby up for adoption, or look after it with the father (Michael Cera – who just seems to have a knack at these types of comedies). The film is absolutely heart-warming, witty and just generally hilarious.

The Lobster

The Lobster was one of my favourite Indie films of last year and is absolutely perfect for the kind of person who’s a bit cynical of the whole dating thing. This is the first English Language film by Yorgos Lanthimos and is a wonderfully unique dark comedy. In a strange alternate future, Colin Farrell plays a man who has recently become single and is forced to go to a hotel where if you don’t fall in love in 45 days you get turned into an animal and released into the wilderness. This film offers an incredibly unusual take on the dating world and is probably the strangest film on the list but is well worth a watch if you’re into artier comedies or independent films.

So, there we have it! Those are my tips for switching up your valentine’s day. I’ve also attached a playlist full of interesting songs exploring the theme of love in some way or another (I hope you enjoy them!!). Thank you so much for reading, whatever you do this weekend I hope you have an absolutely incredible time. If you have anything you want me to look at or post about in the future let me know in the comments and I’ll see what I can do!

Much Love xx

Sam 🙂

Hey, 2016!- Reflection & January Playlist Part I

Last night as I cruised my way into the new year, I was listening to a local indie radio station. Every single song seemed to have played a big part of my life this past year, whether they were bands I’d seen in concert or just a few favorite tunes. It seemed as if it was almost fate, and because it’s the first of the month I figured I’d incorporate these songs into one of January’s playlists. This first playlist will contain some songs I heard on the radio last night, and will also be a tribute to my favorite bands and top songs of 2015.  Stay tuned for another playlist with new, fresh bands to ease you into 2016.

The end of the year was bittersweet, I saw a few of my friends and got some phone calls from around the world. 2015 had it’s ups and downs: I met some life long friends and went to a lot of music festivals, started college, got a social media internship, and even fell in and out of love a few times. This year was really one where I gained some independence and learned how to make peace with lost relationships. I have some high hopes for the new year, and I’m going to try my all to do all the things I want to do without letting anything hold me back. I hope the same for you, reader. I would like to say a special thank you to everyone to has stuck around to read my blog over the past year. All 2,000 of you (from over 80 different countries!) mean so much to me and have made this blog a success. I love you all very much, and I’m sending all of my positive energy your way. Let’s make this year one for the books! Merry 2016!


New Beginnings -an introductionary thing!!

Hey folks!!

My name is Sam and I’m a new contributor to the world of Freckhled 🙂  I have some cool plans for my time on this blog, I absolutely love all things independent and will be sharing some of my favourite films, bands, songs, art and pretty much anything I find that I think you’ll like (hopefully!). Before I get started and stuff, I thought It’d be nice if we could get to know each other a bit first :)!

I’m a 17 year old daydreamer from a tiny village in South England (yeah I’m British –  I guess that pretty much makes me partially Colin Firth or Benedict Cumberbatch or something like that). I love music and film (a lot – like probably too much upon reflection), as well as procrastinating and fangirling about stuff. When I grow up (although let’s face it, growing up is overrated!) I want to be a director, or if that doesn’t work out, a crazy author living in an eccentric house in the middle of nowhere. Ever since I was a kid I have been writing in various forms, In April I started a film blog called Reel Review Dude, in which I ramble on about films doing various reviews, movie lists, film news and just general cinema based shenanigans, (you can check out that blog here: I’ll still be posting on that page, however I get the feeling this’ll be more of a light-hearted “chatty thing”.

I look forward to hearing more from you all (I hope you like my stuff, let me know if there’s anything in particular you want me to talk about and I’ll try my best). In the meantime I thought I’d put a link to a really juicy playlist I made the other day with various bands and artists I like (so, sit back and enjoy)

See you later 🙂

Sam 🙂 x

spending time enjoying the little things



My name is ashlyn (or ash, according to steph) and I have technically been a co-author since “freckhled” was just getting its bearings. But, evidently, I have good intentions and a knack for poor follow-throughs.

Right. We better get acquainted then. Nice to meet you, whoever you may be. I am currently living in Seattle, I moved here this fall for school. Something that I have noticed about the chance for new beginnings is the unreasonable expectations for what is to come. Of course, I kept hearing this advice as I got ready to pick up and move to the place that seemed like the dream that I had always searched for, and didn’t understand what could possibly be wrong with the level of optimism and excitement that I had maintained. I wished and dreamed to be living in a place where the leaves changed, rain fell with frequency, culture was ample, and the opportunity to fall in love in a coffee shop was slightly more realistic. Recently though, I’ve been finding myself in slumps. Evidently just being in the place of your dreams doesn’t mean that someone will fall in love with you or people will want to be your friend. It seems to me that life is really what you make of it, like taking the long way to admire the leaves, wearing the wrong clothes for the weather, running about when you feel so inclined, taking note of the way the light passes through the windows, listening for the sound of rain, noticing the little details that you could easily pass by. Because opportunity will only get you so far.

thanks for listening. I have a good feeling about you.

signing off, ash.   xx


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changing leaves are pretty novel. (I’m from Phoenix) and string lights in Post Alley.

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finding people to love.  pig butts in the distance.