indie pop

Take a Listen: Dylan Gardner

Hey guys! So last night Zella Day played at a local venue here in Phoenix, and I’d say that buying tickets last minute was probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. Dylan Gardner was the first of the two opening acts, and was hands down was the best performer of the night. The second he got on stage with his band, their stage presence and energy were exhilarating. The entire band looked like they loved performing, and the crowd had so much fun. Dylan’s music is a mix of upbeat pop rock, and he was recently signed to Warner Bros. He released his debut album “Adventures in Real Time” coincidentally on my best friend’s birthday last year: May 13th. The entire album is nonstop fun with a few killer ballads, and it definitely makes me dance and smile every time I hear it. At only 19, Dylan played one of the best sets I’ve ever seen, and I’m so glad that I was able to see him perform early on in his career. I even got the chance of meeting him after the show when I was buying one of his t-shirts, and he was super down to earth and seemed really sweet.

Take a listen to his Spotify here, and don’t forget to check out his website! I will also include the music video for “Let’s Get Started” which is my favorite song by Dylan! I hope you enjoy, and thanks for listening. xx


**Disclaimer: I do not own any pictures used unless otherwise stated.

Freckhled February Playlist

Hello to my favorite month of the year: February! My birthday is on the 13th, which means it falls on Friday the 13th this year which is super gnarly plus the following day is Valentine’s Day (HOORAY FOR BEING SINGLE). Anywho I’ve put together this month’s playlist with songs that have been recently released and a few songs that I’ve heard around and liked. I will be updating this playlist daily, so make sure to keep checking it! Feel free to follow my soundcloud to listen to more tracks I love. I hope you enjoy.

Oh and happy belated birthday to the world’s most beautiful man, Harry Styles.

Happy February, enjoy. xx
